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Graphic Standards Guide云动云营动运营动脉运Lululemon athleticaABOUTThis Graphic Standards Guide covers the basic guidelines for the LululemonAthletica's new graphic identity.The Guide provides a summary of the primary features and applications of thegraohic identity.For further guidelines on how to apply the identity in specificcommunications materials,please contact Lululemon Athletica.Contact:400-1818 Cornwall AvenueVancouver,BC Canada V6J 1C7phone:1.604.732.6124fax:1.604.874.6124YOGA LOVE RUN PEACE 3CONTENTINTRODUCTIONIDENTITY..APPLICATIONP12-15运动YOGA LOVE RUN PEACE 4INTRODUCTIONlululemon athletica:company historyAfter 20 years in the surf,skate and snowboard business,founder Chip Wilsontook the first commercial yoga class offered in Vancouver and found the resultexhilarating.The post-yoga feeling was so close to surfing and snowboarding thatit seemed obvious that yoga was an ideology whose time had come(again).Cotton clothing was being used for sweaty,stretchy power yoga and seemedcompletely inappropriate to Chip,whose passion lay in technical athletic fabrics.From this,a design studio was born that became a yoga studio at night to pay therent.Clothing was offered for sale and an underground yoga clothing movementwas born.The success of the clothing was dependent on the feedback from yogainstructors who were asked to wear the products and provide their insights.naming the companyThe lululemon name was chosen in a survey of 100 people from a list of 20 brandnames and 20 logos.The logo is actually a stylized"A'that was made for the firstletter in the name'athletically hip,a name which failed to make the grade.YOGA LOVE RUN PEACE 5The Lululemon Athletica's identity contains the passionate red 'lu',wich also symbolize the blow,and lululemon athletica's word mark.The positive image of the Lu is the preferred use.When reproducingthe identity in colour,it should always appear as PANTONE 186C-passion red.When producing the Lu in black and white,the identitymust be black,never grey.The Lu can be printed as a negative(in recerse as white),when itneeds to stand out for a dark background.For guideline on selectingthe appropriate version of the Lu for use on different backgrounds,Lululemon athleticasee ldentity Usage section.Positive:PMS 431Negative:WhiteYOGA LOVE RUN PEACE 6IDENTIRY:Safe ZoneThe Safe Zone is the minimum distance that any other elements (other than back-ground texture)can be placed around the Lu.The Lu is displayed to the best effectwhrn surrounded with a Safe Zone,so no other predominant elements(like type orgraphic elements)would interfere with its integrity.The amount of Safe Zone is in direct proportion to the size of the Lu and must notbe altered.See the example below.To ensure consistency,the Lu and the wordmarkmust always be reproduced using original artwork.aaaaabaaa=b+c=2.5cb=a-c=1.5caabbb“ululemon athleticaYOGA LOVE RUN PEACE 7IDENTITY:TypographyVDS has been specially selected for Lululemon Athletica to act as the primary type-face for headings in printed communications and core identity implementation.TheVDS type has been selected to complement the primary typeface to be used in allgraphically-designed material.For all correspondence and editorial or office use,Myriad Pro is recommended.Myriad Pro Light is suitable for use in small sizes.Myriad Pro Regular is recom-mended for use in small sizes as negative text against a photographic background toachieve better legibillity.The Italic fonts shoud be used sparingly,e.g,to highlight aword or phrase in the text.PrimaryVDS RegularSecondaryMyriad Pro RegularMyriad Pro LightMyriad Pro Light ItalicYOGA LOVE RUN PEACE 8IDENTITY:ColoursTHE Primary Colour,PANTON 186 C,is reserved for the Lu.The Secondary Colours are expressive,youthhful and lively,providing contrastand harmony to the key slate colooyr of the Lu.The colours have been selectedfor its printability and ability to maintain consistency across may media.In eachcase,only tow tints are required to create the colours in CMYK-a benefit forreproduction quality.PrimarySecondarySecondaryPANTONE 186CPANTONE 425 CPANTONE Warm Gray 1 CR=227,G=24B=55R=95,G=96B=98R=239,G=233.B=229YOGA LOVE RUN PEACE 9The Indentity may occur in any of combaination of the brand colours,Plus black and white.Logo will beplaced on photography,ratated and shifted(NOT stretched or distorted)to produce seemingly enflesscomosition and scenarios.They may be placed vertically,but on an angle.Full UsageYOGA LOVE RUN PEACE 10
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