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Part们为什么不去创业作者Marc Andreessen三编辑Rework阅览室整理In this series of posts I will walk through some of my accumulated knowledgeand experience in building high-tech startups.在这一系列的文章中,我将介绍我在建立高科技初创企业方面积累的一些知识和经验。My specific experience is from three companies I have co-founded:Netscape,sold to America Online in 1998 for $4.2 billion;Opsware (formerly Loudcloud),apublic software company with an approximately $1 billion market cap;and nowNing,a new,private consumer Internet company.我的具体经历来自于我共同创办的三家公司:网景,1998年以42亿美元的价格卖给美国在线;Opsware(前身为Loudcloud),一家市值约10亿美元的公共软件公司;现在,Ning是一家新的私营消费互联网公司。But more generally,I've been fortunate enough to be involved in and exposedto a broad range of other startups-maybe 40 or 50 in enough detail to knowwhat I'm talking about-since arriving in Silicon Valley in 1994:as a boardmember,as an angel investor,as an advisor,as a friend of various founders,and as a participant in various venture capital funds.但更广泛地说,自1994年抵达硅谷以来,我很幸运能够参与并接触到广泛的其他初创公司(可能有40或50家,足够详细,足以了解我在说什么):董事会成员、天使投资人、顾问、各个创始人的朋友以及各个风险投资基金的参与者。This series will focus on lessons learned from this entire cross-section ofSilicon Valley startups-so don't think that anything I am talking about isreferring to one of my own companies:most likely when I talk about a scenarioI have seen or something I have experienced,it is from some other startup that Iam not naming but was involved with some other way than as a founder.Part1为什么不去创业本系列将重点关注从硅谷初创公司的整个横截面中汲取的经验教训,因此不要认为我正在谈论的任何内容都指的是我自己的公司:很可能是当我谈论我见过的场景或我所经历过的事情,是来自其他一些初创公司,我没有点名,但以创始人以外的其他方式参与其中。Finally,much of my perspective is based on Silicon Valley and the environmentthat we have here-the culture,the people,the venture capital base,and so on.Some of it will travel well to other regions and countries,some probably willnot.Caveat emptor.最后,我的大部分观点都是基于硅谷和我们这里的环境一文化、人才、风险投资基础等等。其中一些可以顺利传播到其他地区和国家,有些可能不会。买者自负。With all that out of the way,let's start at the beginning:why not to do a startup说完这些,让我们从头开始:为什么不去创业呢?Startups,even in the wake of the crash of 2000,have become imbued with areal mystique-you read a lot about how great it is to do a startup,how muchfun it is,what with the getting to invent the future,all the free meals,foosballtables,and all the rest.即使是在2000年股市崩盘之后,初创企业仍然充满了一种真正的神秘感一你会读到很多关于创业有多么伟大,它有多么有趣,以及如何创造未来等等。免费餐食、桌上足球等等。Now,it is true that there are a lot of great things about doing a startup.Theyinclude,in my experience:现在,确实,创业有很多伟大的事情。根据我的经验,它们包括:Most fundamentally,the opportunity to be in control of your own destiny-youget to succeed or fail on your own,and you don't have some bozo telling youwhat to do.For a certain kind of personality,this alone is reason enough to do astartup.最根本的是,你有机会掌控自己的命运一成功或失败都靠自己,不需要任何笨蛋告诉你该做什么。对于某种性格来说,仅此一点就足以成为创业的理由。Part1为什么不去创业The opportunity to create something new-the proverbial blank sheet of paper.You have the ability-actually,the obligation-to imagine a product that doesnot yet exist and bring it into existence,without any of the constraints normallyfaced by larger companies.创造新事物的机会—一众所周知的白纸。你有能力—实际上,有义务一想象一种尚不存在的产品并将其变为现实,而不受大公司通常面临的任何限制。The opportunity to have an impact on the world-to give people a new way tocommunicate,a new way to share information,a new way to work together,oranything else you can think of that would make the world a better place.Thinkit should be easier for low-income people to borrow money?Start Prosper.Think television should be opened up to an infinite number of channels?Start Joost.Think that computers should be based on Unix and open standardsand not proprietary technology?Start Sun.影响世界的机会一为人们提供一种新的沟通方式、一种新的信息共享方式、一种新的合作方式,或者任何你能想到的能让世界变得更美好的东西。认为低收入人群借钱应该更容易吗?开始繁荣。您认为电视应该向无限多个频道开放吗?开始乔斯特。认为计算机应该基于Uix和开放标准而不是专有技术?开始太阳。The ability to create your ideal culture and work with a dream team ofpeople you get to assemble yourself.Want your culture to be based on peoplewho have fun every day and enjoy working together?Or,are hyper-competitiveboth in work and play?Or,are super-focused on creating innovative new rocketscience technologies?Or,are global in perspective from day one?You get tochoose,and to build your culture and team to suit.能够创建您理想的文化并与您自己组建的梦想团队一起工作。希望您的文化以每天享受乐趣并享受一起工作的人们为基础吗?或者,在工作和娱乐方面都具有超强的竞争力吗?或者,是否超级专注于创造创新的火箭科学技术?或者,从第一天起就具有全球性的视角吗?您可以选择并建立适合您的文化和团队。And finally,money-startups done right can of course be highly lucrative.Thisis not just an issue of personal greed-when things go right,your team andemployees will themselves do very well and will be able to support theirfamilies,send their kids to college,and realize their dreams,and that's reallyPart1为什么不去创业
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